Four of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Four of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

404 4 of WandsHere we see four poles or staffs, festooned with a garland.  Two ladies have their arms raised above their heads holding bouquets of flowers.  In the background we see a castle and another group of people.

This card always makes me think of a May Day celebration; the poles bring to mind Maypoles.  The people on the card seem to be celebrating as in the Three of Cups card, but the poles in the foreground and the castle in the background make this seem like a more tangible celebration.  May Day or the Gaelic Beltane holiday is associated with a celebration of the coming summer and also has connections to a Labour or Worker’s holiday.  Traditionally this would mean that much of the tilling and sowing of the seeds had been completed, and the farmhands could take a well-deserved break.  The castle, which is in the distance in the Ace of Wands image is closer here, hence telling me progress has been made towards the goal.

The end of spring and the coming summer, which is when this holiday would usually be celebrated also promises a change of season and energy.  This could refer to a change in work also as those jobs that farmers do in summer are totally different from those done in spring.

These are the Four of Wands tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

When this card appears it signifies that the first stage or phase is complete. It is wise to remember though that only the first stage is complete, not the entire project; there is still much work to be done. This card usually indicates a change of energy so could signify a move of work place or residence.

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