Six of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Six of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

306 6 of SwordsThe image on this card shows a man steering a boat which also contains a cloaked woman with a child.  The boat has six swords sticking straight up from its floor.  In the distance we see land after an expanse of water.

The main thing shown here is a journey; the people in the image are obviously traveling somewhere.  I am assuming that they are headed to the shore on the other side of the water however, as straightforward as this journey should be it does not appear to be so.  The swords in the boat are surely obstructing the view of the shore, but if they were to be removed, they would leave holes and the boat would sink. 

Even though we cannot see much of the cloaked figure in the boat, the way she has her head lowered does not make her seem happy. 

If we see the swords as our ideas and logical thoughts, they are being carried across waters which represent our emotions.  While this may represent a real physical journey, this may well be an inner journey that we must endure to reach the other side and salvation, or to restore inner balance.  The ideas may well be obstructing us from our emotions but they also protect us from being pulled down under by them.  Whatever the case, it is clear that we are headed in the right direction.

These are the Six of Swords tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

This card indicates a journey. You may physically go on this journey, i.e.; travelling or taking a short break but it may also indicate a journey taken within, in the emotional realm. Either way, use this time to think about where you want to be and replenish your energy. Things are not perfect yet, but you’re getting there.

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