Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

206 6 of PentaclesHere we see a wealthy man, holding balanced scales in one hand and distributing coins with the other to the people knelt at his feet. 

I see a clear example of charity in this image.  The kneeling men are obviously in need of charity and the money they are receiving in their outstretched hands.  The wealthy man dropping the coins in their hands can obviously afford to give the money.  But an important symbol for me is the scales he holds in his hand.  This gives the idea of balance; there is some balance or equality here.  They are evidently not equal in their means or stature in life, so it must be more than that.  What may be indicated is that both gain some benefit from the act and it is the act itself that restores balance to the scales.

So what is to be gained here?  The recipients of the charity obviously gain financial aid but is this at the expense of their pride?  No, I don’t think so, because they don’t hang their heads in shame, but look up hopefully at their benefactor.  The wealthy man has the satisfaction of knowing that what he gives is helping someone, but in the same vein, I do not feel that he feels pride in his action.  One has too much, the other too little, and like an adjustment on either side of a set of scales, the charitable act restores the balance.

I guess the message here is the importance of restoring balance; if you have too much, consider helping another, if you have too little, do not be afraid to ask for help.  No matter what the case, you are sure to benefit.

These are the Six of Pentacles tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

A card of charity and giving; of balance and fairness. This is a time to restore balance. Either you have too much and will give something away to help those less well off or you will receive something of value. These acts of giving and receiving are performed freely without any pride or superiority nor any shame or guilt as both parties benefit.

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