Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings
The people on this card look to be in an awful state; they’re clearly destitute. It is snowing and obviously cold, yet they’re dressed in ragged clothes and barefoot in the snow. The man walks with the aid of crutches and seems to have a bandaged foot. The woman is huddle under a shawl. Above their heads we see a stained glass window with 5 pentacles lit from the inside.
My heart really goes out to this pair. They look homeless and freezing. Imagine being out in that weather barefoot, not properly clothed and especially when you’re injured. Everything about these people screams out poverty, and lack of support. But help is available. They just have to look up at the window above them and they would realise that they can find sanctuary in the church they are just walking past.
The story this image tells me is about feeling impoverished and lacking security, be it financial or emotional. As bad as the situation may be, there is help and support available if you look for it. If I think about the toughest times in my life, that is when I have seen exactly who my friends are and who I can rely on in my times of need, and I have remembered that even after my situation has improved. Help is always available if we look for it.
These are the Five of Pentacles tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:
When this card appears it is likely that you are feeling rather impoverished and lacking security; emotionally or financially. Are you really as worse of as you feel or is there some way out? If you need help, ask for it. This is the time when you will learn exactly who your friends are and this will be an important lesson to take with you when you move to a time of plenty and security.