Six of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Six of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

An in depth analysis of the #SixofCups tarot card meanings and imagery. This card indicates the past and may indicate that we are dwelling too much on what has been.The image on this card depicts two children, looking at each other, while the older boy hands the younger girl one of the six cups containing flowers.

There is something sweetly innocent about the way the children look at each other; as if some memory or thought passes between them, just as the cup is being passed.  I imagine that the scene is taking place in a town square.  Maybe the young boy is there selling flowers, and this young girl walks by and he is compelled to hand her some flowers.

The children represent childhood innocence and memories of our own childhood or past.  While the children seem to be young the flowers in the cups indicate emotions that have bloomed to maturity.  While we may be remembering a moment from our childhood or past, we can look on it with the maturity of age.  The image appears to be a snap shot of a perfect memory, being enjoyed years later.  This would also be a reminder that if we could experience that once, perhaps we can experience it again.

These are the Six of Cups tarot card meanings we use in the Free Readings on Aquarian Insight:

This card indicates the past and may indicate that we are dwelling too much on what has been. These may be happier memories from our childhood or more recent events. It could indicate that someone from the past returns. Sometimes it can show that we meet someone who we feel like we have known forever.

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