From Inner Waters to Outer Fires – Weekly Tarot Reading

The transition from Cancer to Leo season is not just an astrological event but a metaphor for our personal growth. It’s about using the deep emotional work of Cancer to build a foundation for the vibrant, fearless expression of Leo. By nurturing our emotional health and embracing courageous action, we can move from merely surviving to truly thriving. Let the nurturing inner waters of Cancer fuel your fire, and let the bold energy of Leo guide you to shine brightly with outer fires, making life a brighter and better place for yourself and others. Read more about this in my Substack post From Inner Waters to Outer Fires: Embracing the Crab’s Inner Resilience for the Lion’s Outer Strength. ❤❤❤

CORRECTION: I caught myself doing it elsewhere, so I just wanted to be clear, 3hrs after the full moon in Capricorn, the moon will be conjunct (not oppose) Pluto in Aquarius. The Sun in Leo will oppose Pluto 2 days after the full moon.

Please support me on Substack:

How Do You Work With Your Cancer & Moon Placements?.

Self-Care and the Nurturer and Achiever Archetypes.

To book a personal reading or talk with me in June 2024, visit my appointment calendar.

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You can view Aquarian Insight Weekly and Monthly Tarot Readings at Aquarian Insight on Odysee or Rumble.

Intro/Outro music ‘Bye Bye’ an original composition by Cosmic Quest Tarot – used with permission.

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