As a tarot reader, not only do I have the great opportunity to share people’s life stories, but I also get a much broader picture of the types of things that concern us the most as human beings. I read for people from all over the world, and at times I have done reading after reading that basically asked the same question, even though the querents are from the USA, India, Africa, France, the UK, Australia and so on and so forth. The questions I am asked the most, without a doubt, concern love and relationships. So, why is it our love lives cause us so much doubt? I decided to look at this in more depth and here you will find the results of my analysis and as well as the kind of guidance that I have found which I believe can help all of us achieve a more fulfilling love life.
Questions for the Tarot about Love
Most questions for the tarot are about love. The most obvious may appear to be from those that are single with some variation of a question wanting to know when they will meet the perfect partner; we want to know when the magic will happen for us. Even those of us in relationships have questions either concerning problems within the relationship or wanting to know if the person we are with is our true soul mate.
I took all of the reading requests I received in a random month. This was a total of 109. I then separated each request based on what it was about, and the graph below illustrates what I found. It is immediately evident that the majority of the questions concerned the querents love lives; a huge 73 out of 109 (66.79%). Even some of the other questions were veiled queries ultimately concerning a love life. For example, the question regarding the friend was from someone in love with their friend, but there was no chance of anything happening, so they emphasised the friendship side. Another question was about a spouse’s addiction; the question was about the future of the relationship, but as the question was based on the matter of addiction and not love, I decided not to include it in the ‘Love Life’ category.
If You Had to have a Tarot Reading, What Would You Ask?

Love Life Questions in Depth
What is it about their love lives that people want to know? To figure this out, I took a closer look at the ‘Love Life’ questions and divided these into sub-categories. This was actually very easy to do as the questions very clearly fell into five categories:
- Future Love Life, ie; “When will I be in a relationship?”
- Getting Back With An Ex
- Future Of Current Relationship
- Understanding A Previous Relationship (but no intention to return to it)
- Interested In Someone, ie; “Will we ever be in a relationship?”
The below pie chart shows what I found. Only 2 questions were regarding a previous relationship in order to understand what had happened or for further insight so they could close that door and move on. I am able to say, with permission, that it is interesting to note that both querents who asked about understanding previous relationships are tarot readers themselves. This is in contrast to the 20.55% who asked questions wanting to get back with an ex. 13.7% of the questions were about finding out if there was any chance of a relationship with someone the querent had feelings for, and over a quarter of all questions, 26.03%, were from people who were single and wondering when or even if they would be in a relationship again. The most questions asked, over one third at 36.99%, were from people already in relationships and wondering what the future of that relationship would be.
How to Find Happiness in Love
Looking at these statistics, which really are just typical of the reading requests that I receive, it can be natural to wonder if anyone is in a happy relationship. Before you become to downhearted, let me assure you that many people are in great relationships. How do I know that? Because even they have questions, the most common one being, “Will it last?” When we find a wonderful person to love and be loved by, we then worry that we will lose our love. It goes to the root of all this chaos, ecstasy and delirium – we do not want to be alone, not really. Humans are sociable creatures, and we were never meant to live in isolation. Our very existence as a race depends on us getting up close and personal, but we also have an emotional need for intimacy. As I’ve discussed in length in Reason, Season, Lifetime: Tarot Reading for Love and Relationships there are many of us at one time or another who have just accepted as fact that we are destined to be alone. A relationship is just too much effort for us, or we’ve decided the pain of loneliness is more acceptable than the pain of heartache. But it doesn’t have to be this way and there is nothing sadder than just giving up on finding love. There is no manual on how to have a successful happy relationship, or on how to find ‘the one’, but there are things we can do to enjoy our love lives.
Do You Love Yourself?
It might sound like an obvious question but do you love yourself? As I wrote in We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve we have to love ourselves before we can know how we want to be loved by another the way we deserve to be. Sometimes the biggest mistake we make is looking to someone else to provide the love that we do not feel for ourselves and that never works. For those of you that believe you have found your perfect partner, and yet feel unhappy and sad within that relationship, then is he or she really that perfect? What is keeping you with this person? Yes you love them, but do you love yourself? Is he or she treating you the way you deserve to be treated? Are you exhausted by the effort of being with this person? Yes, any relationship takes some effort and compromise, but are you both putting in equal effort? Who is compromising and on what?
If You Found Love Once, You Can Find It Again
If you doubt you will meet the right person, or feel that you have already met and lost them, remember that nothing in nature happens just once. There is no way that the right person can just pass you by. No matter what you believe you did wrong or went wrong, if that relationship ended, it was the most natural conclusion for that set of circumstances. Be grateful for the love you were able to feel and know that you will feel it again – have faith that love is in your destiny. Most people may assume that it is the young who would be most concerned with their love lives, but this is absolutely not the case. All the people that sent reading requests were over 18 years of age as I do not read for anyone younger than that. In fact, the youngest person who requested a love life related reading was born in 1992 and the oldest in 1941. The graph below shows the age ranges of all 73 people. As the graph shows, there were questions from people born in the 1940s to the 1990s. We all want love, and what I found the most heart-warming is the fact that we never give up. One lady who was born in the 1940s and had just come out of a marriage, wanted to know if she would find love again. I think we can all learn from her hope of finding love.
Tarot Reading for Love
We all feel fear, but the trick is to carry on despite the fear, because the rewards are so worth it. Love is something worth waiting and persevering for, and it all starts with the easiest step – love yourself. Show the world how much you deserve to be loved and very soon you can share that love with someone very special. Love trumps fear every time, because love brings hope and fear cannot survive where there is hope. How a tarot reading can help is to give us the tools to explore our own fears and doubts and to look at how we can change how we feel and what we want. Too many people make the mistake of trying to change the partner or waiting to see how the relationship will change, and they miss the biggest opportunity to help themselves by looking within.
Ready to Explore Your Love Life?
Free ‘Heart of the Matter’ Relationship Tarot Reading