3 Easy Tips on How to Make the Most of Your Tarot Reading

3 Easy Tips on How to Make the Most of Your Tarot ReadingWhen thinking about how to make the most of your tarot reading, you may think the only tip you need is the name of a good reader but the truth is that even with the best reader, there are things you can do yourself to make sure you get the maximum results from your reading. A tarot reading is a fabulous tool to gain clarity and insight especially when faced with a situation that seems confusing or unclear. So here are 3 easy tips on how to make the most of your tarot reading.


Think Clearly About the Reason For the Reading

The purpose of the reading is to give you some insight or help with a situation or question you are facing.  A tarot reading is not going to make a choice for you, or live your life for you, but it will hopefully give you what you need to feel empowered and to make the necessary decisions to create the future that you want. So before a reading can help you to be the master of your own destiny, you must decide what it is that you want, and this is where concentrating on the situation that you are going to ask about can be really beneficial.

Before you call, visit or e-mail your tarot reader, sit and think about the problem or situation you want help with.  This helps you to focus on the question, which is important for the reader who will connect to you for the reading, but also for you because you will be better able to apply the information given to your situation. Some readers can go pretty fast, especially if it is a phone reading, so just taking a few minutes before the reading to sit and focus or meditate on the problem or situation can really help you to make immediate connections to what your reader is telling you.

Ask a Clear Question

This might seem like an obvious one, but it’s the one that trips people up the most. The biggest mistake is to not ask a clear, specific question. In order to do that, keep in mind that the future is not a straight path in front of us, but that there are many, many paths and options to choose from; so there is no point asking a question that requires a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer. For example, you can ask “Will my boyfriend and I get married?”, and the reading may have more positive cards, which could be interpreted as a “Yes”, or more negative cards which may be interpreted as a “No”, but you’re actually doing yourself a disservice here.  If you ask “I would like to marry my boyfriend; what can I do to improve our chances of getting engaged before the end of the year?” you open up your options and allow the tarot to provide insight into your situation by exploring all available paths, rather than just the two labelled ‘Yes’ and ‘No’.

Some clients do not like to give a lot of information in the question and can be vague on purpose to try and get their money’s worth from their reader; that is understandable. Others give too much information and don’t allow the reader the scope to do their job. Often, just a clear specific question is more than enough to allow the reader to focus on and to direct the message from the cards to you. 

Use the Information from the Reading as the Tool that it is

A tarot reading shows you where you are now and the options available to you based on if you were to continue doing what you are doing. If you like what the reading is showing, have faith in what you are doing and know that you are progressing towards your desired future. But don’t become complacent. For example, imagine you have been working really hard on a project in your job and the question you asked was related to success or promotion. The cards may have confirmed all your hard work and shown that continued effort would bring the outcome that you want; the future may have even shown a card that represented a pay rise or promotion. Now, that is great news and a confirmation of your hard work, but if you begin to slack off at work because you believe the promotion/pay rise is guaranteed, you could be jeopardising your future rewards.  The power to shape the future is always in the present.

The opposite can also be true; the reading may show energies coming into play that you are not happy about. For example, conflict in relationships or financial problems. This is a valuable message too because it prepares us for difficult situations and gives us the opportunity to create a different future.

By keeping these tips in mind next time you have a tarot reading, you can make the most of the information you receive and be a true master of your own destiny.